Sunday 12 June 2011

My Child

Every time I think that my 3 year old child have given me the best of her IQ she surprises me with yet another.That's what she did this morning when she asked her 5 year old cousin "Which Office your Mom goes to" and  the reaction to her cousin's reply was further more astonishing Her cousin replied that her mother do not go to the office and she is always home and the Reaction was "WOW  she is always with you and you no go to school also"(in her typical English).That conveyed the message that like any other child she too don't like the idea of her mother not being with her.
What also I could get from the discussion of those two angels is that may be the children of working parents thinks they go to school because their mother is working and they need some place to go while the parents are out working...
The question here is not what my child is thinking about going to school there is more to that.
A Barrage of questions.
Is it tormenting her if her mother is working.?....
Is she disturbed?
Is this the time where she require more time to be with mother?
Is she missing those joyous moments of being with mother?
What they think today is that going to remain with them?
Is that going have any deleterious effect on their way of thinking and understanding things as they grow up?
A child has its own way of interpreting things and this Perspicacity of child mental activity often leaves me confounded.This thought  has been lingering in my mind for quite some time
"What is the right age of the child when a mother should start working".
Nurturing a child's behaviour is often taken care by a mother as she spends more time with the kid than the other parent (By design or by default).And the child is more inclined to the mother so if a mother is not dissipating her time at the very preliminary stage of the their growth and learning a child's loneliness may be Reverberated for the years to come.
A conclusion is yet to arrive but surely we may sit back and discuss.

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